Islamabad Boarding School

Islamabad Boarding School

For Harmonized Learning

Introduction to IBS

  • Established: 18th March 2019.
  • 268 students are studying in IBS. Montessori 50, Day Scholars 148, Boarding Students: 70 (95% are Shia Believers). Up-to Class 4 – Co-education. 5th to 10th Separate Classes for boys and Girls.
  • Rental building for the students which are studying here.
  • A specific area of building is furnished for the Boarding students. Classrooms are clean, spacious, and well-ventilated, creating an ideal setting for effective learning.
  • We have implemented a systematic learning system that caters to the unique learning styles and abilities of each student. At IBS, we believe in creating an atmosphere where every child feels valued, empowered, and motivated to excel in their educational journey.

Why Boarding?

In Pakistan we are suffering from extremism due to ignorance in remote areas of the country. In remote areas, facilities of quality education are insufficient, so people interested in quality education for their children are ready to send them Islamabad to achieve said purpose.


As IBS is a not-for-Profit School and with its limited recourse, tries to educated the society for a better change. In this regard, most of the times, our journey is stopped by some serious issues. These challenges need to be resolve at earliest. Here some of these hurdles are mentioned.

we have accommodated almost 15 Orphans & deserving free of Charge. These orphans and deserving are purely from backward areas and having no stable person as their guardian.


We are so grateful to Almighty that IBS is having educated teaching staff, most of them are Masters in their relevant fields and dedicated to serve the under privileged students.

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